Last week marked my first week at Green Map System in New York City. This organization works with 55 countries around the world and has helped create over 700 maps, which document economic, ecological, and communally sustainable locations.
I am working under Wendy Brawer, the founding director of Green Map Systems (GMS) , for my month long internship. Over the course of last week I was able to go on a community walk about in order to see the sustainable activities happening throughout the Lower East Side community; communicated with an individual working on the Barcelona, Spain Green Map; designed button templates in Illustrator for a reusable name tag project; and learned of a plethora of online websites and communities that I can reference for sustainable happenings and news. Talk about an exhilarating week!
I am working under Wendy Brawer, the founding director of Green Map Systems (GMS) , for my month long internship. Over the course of last week I was able to go on a community walk about in order to see the sustainable activities happening throughout the Lower East Side community; communicated with an individual working on the Barcelona, Spain Green Map; designed button templates in Illustrator for a reusable name tag project; and learned of a plethora of online websites and communities that I can reference for sustainable happenings and news. Talk about an exhilarating week!
On Thursday I had the honor of attending a gathering of Women in Sustainability; professional women working towards sustainability in education, food, art, and design gather at least once a year to discuss current topics, the projects they are involved in, and industry related topics. This potluck meeting took place in a fantastic loft in Soho with a delicious spread of food; even more impressive is the amount of insight into the sustainability industry that I gained from listening to these women for a mere two hours.
Having a day off to honor the president’s birthday, Today marks the start to my second week. I continued work on Living Labs and Global Giving projects in order to provide updated proposals for the Green Map System board which met today.